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In the club - Danny :love:

It's Friday night, I barely made it through this week
I text my friends; put on my favourite song on repeat
Time is tickin', let's get wicked
Gotta hit the street, hit the street
There's no need to worry 'cause we're always on the list

In the club, the club
In the club, the club
In the club, the club
In the club, the club

In the club, the club, oh-oh
In the club, the club, oh-oh
In the club, the club, oh-oh
In the club, the club, oh-oh
(In the club)

Lights are low, girls in front and everywhere we go, go, go
Bottles up, the beat is droppin' as we hit the floor
Everybody's going crazy, screamin' out for more

In the club, the club, oh-oh
In the club, the club, oh-oh
In the club, the club, oh-oh
In the club, the club, oh-oh

In the club, (the club, oh oh)
Ain't no place in this world where I would rather be
(In the club, the club, oh oh)
Than here with you and rock this club, that's my philosophy
(In the club, the club, oh oh)
You and I through the night
In the club, in the club, in the club

Alright, alright, so let me get a second now
To clear my head from everything that's spinning round and round
I've seen you checkin' me out
Don't be a stranger, please come around
Tell me about ya, where are ya from
I'd like to get to know ya in this club

In this club, (the club, oh-oh)
(In the club, the club, oh-oh)
In this club, (the club, oh-oh)
(In the club, the club, oh-oh)
In this club

In the club, (the club, oh oh)
Ain't no place in this world where I would rather be
(In the club, the club, oh oh)
Than here with you and rock this club, that's my philosophy
(In the club, the club, oh oh)
You and I through the night
In the club, in the club, in the club

Postat av: Emma :3


2011-02-27 @ 14:40:15
Postat av: J E S S I C A

1 dag kvar av frågestunden, kika gärna in i min blogg och skriv några frågor :)

puss & kram !

2011-02-27 @ 17:00:24
URL: http://thatsjessica.blogg.se/

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